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To become all things to all people, so that by all LOVEABLE and SPIRITUAL means we will save some. 


Our  Objective

To call all people through love, to become missionaries of Jesus Christ to proclaim the everlasting gospel embraced by the three angels’ messages (Revelation 14:6-12), and to prepare the world for Christ’s soon return.


Our Vision

In harmony with Bible revelation, see as the climax of God’s plan, the restoration of all His creation to full harmony with His perfect will and righteousness.


Our Method

Guided by the Holy Spirit, Faith Lighthouse pursue this mission through Christ-like living, communicating, discipline, teaching, healing, and serving through the gift of charity.

Identity & Implementation of Our Mission

 Faith Lighthouse sees itself as a member of the remnant Church of end-time Bible prophecy [SDA].

 Members of the MINISTRY, individually and collectively, must understand their special role as ambassadors of God’s kingdom

and messengers of the soon return of Jesus Christ.

Faith Lighthouse have enlisted as co-workers with God in His mission of reclaiming the world from the power and presence of evil,

as part of the Great Controversy between Christ and Satan.

Every aspect of our member’s life is influenced by the conviction that we live in the last days described in Bible prophecy

and the return of Jesus Christ is near.


Faith Lighthouse are called by God to live in this world, and 

all actions of the Christian life is done “in honor of Jesus Christ of Nazareth” and to advance His kingdom.


We hope to become all things to all people, so that by all spiritual means we might save some.

Join now, Evangelism Through Charity Team, and support the efforts to spread the gospel with a monthly donation in any amount. When you do, we can send you an receipt for your tax pusposes.
If you prefer, just indicated what you want us to use your donation for. Either way, your faithful support helps us reach millions of hung souls who still haven’t heard the good news of salvation.

With your help we can do so much more for those who lacks in our society. YOU WOULD BE VERY SURPRISE TO SEE HOW MUCH A LITTLE IS TO THOSE WHO HAVE NOTHING.

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