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Brief History

 FLR MINISTRY was born as a result of the teaching and principles of The  bible, and the shared vision  of  thousands of Christians  who searched for greater understanding of biblical truth. 


These truth gave us the understanding of God's Laws and prophecy for the end of this world history.


Therefore we live knowing that death is not the end of humanity, knowing this fact we live in peace each day with the blessed hope of  the soon return of Jesus Christ, the savior of  Humanity.


This Ministry was officially incorporated in the year 2017 to carry on the life and work of Faith Lighthouse Church that have been in existences since May 17th, 1987. 

Faith Lighthouse was Founded by Pastor Hezekiah Coke who later handed over to Pastor H.Stanford Francis at the time of his retirement.  Prior to the change of administration, the board decided to  incorporate a new entity in order to give the new admin the legal frame work required to continue with the work. This change further allows the Ministry to expand its scope of work, re-brand the ministry, and to mark a new beginning.


Faith Lighthouse Restoration Ministry Inc.  Operates with two primary distinct roles 

                     1. The Function of an ADVENTIST and HEALTH MINISTRIES. 

                     2. The Function of a Charitable Organization, Receiving and donating Food, Clothes, Household Items etc. since 1987.    


In the United States and  Jamaica we seek to offer Health  and Spiritual Counseling to the society, with a special care for those most at Risk, aiming to provide them with the necessary skill set to help in preparing them for life challenges.


We firmly believe that we’re called to this ministry by God Almighty to teach the gospel of Jesus Christ [which includes his Moral and Health Laws] restoring the old path { which many have drifted away from}  through the demonstration of the greatest gift which is love.


It is important to note that we recognize the Bible as the divine words of God. WE DO NOT AND WILL NOT teach a different doctrine from that which is the word of God or live contrary to the bible teachings.

We as members continue to show great love towards our fellow men as we strive daily to develop a closer relationship with Jesus Christ to become more like him. 

The heart of the Ministry's mission is to help others realize the hope found in experiencing a personal relationship with a living God and loving Savior, and nurturing them in preparation for His soon return, through the gift of love.


We hope to become all things to all people, so that by all spiritual means we might save some.

Join now, Evangelism Through Charity Team, and support the efforts to spread the gospel with a monthly donation in any amount. When you do, we can send you an receipt for your tax pusposes.
If you prefer, just indicated what you want us to use your donation for. Either way, your faithful support helps us reach millions of hungry souls who still haven’t heard the good news of salvation.

With your help we can do so much more for those who lacks in our society. YOU WOULD BE VERY SURPRISE TO SEE HOW MUCH A LITTLE IS TO THOSE WHO HAVE NOTHING.

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